Showing posts with label Google Translator Toolbar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google Translator Toolbar. Show all posts

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Review of google page translate::How to Create a Directions Page with Google Maps

Review of google page translate::How to Create a Directions Page with Google Maps

This               article               ranks               the               world's               largest               cities               by               population               size:               it               lists               each               city's               estimated               population,               land               area,               and               population               density               using               the               most               authoritative               and               current               data.

Shanghai,               Karachi,               and               Mumbai               are               the               world's               largest               cities               by               population               size.

Shanghai,               Istanbul,               and               Karachi               are               among               the               world's               largest               cities               by               land               area.

Mumbai,               Seoul,               and               Tokyo               are               the               most               densely               populated               cities.
               Among               the               world's               fifteen               largest               cities,               ten               are               located               in               Asia,               two               in               Africa,               two               in               North               America,               and               one               in               South               America.

The               countries               of               China               and               India               each               have               two               cities               on               the               list.
               For               purposes               of               this               article,               "cities"               are               defined               as               "cities               proper"               (municipalities               with               legally               fixed               boundaries               and               some               form               of               local               government)               as               opposed               to               so-called               agglomerations               which               include               a               city's               surrounding               metropolitan               area.

The               vast               majority               of               online               sources               on               this               topic               only               site               figures               for               agglomerations.

World's               Largest               Cities               -               Population               Size:               Shanghai,               China
               Located               in               the               central               part               of               eastern               China,               Shanghai               is               the               world's               largest               city               with               an               estimated               population               of               18,884,600.
               The               land               area               of               the               city               is               6,340.50               km2               /2,448.08               mi2.
               The               city's               population               density               is               2,978.41               km2/7,714.05               mi2.

World's               Largest               Cities               -               Population               Size:               Karachi,               Pakistan
               Situated               in               the               central               part               of               southern               Pakistan,               Karachi               is               the               world's               second               largest               city               with               an               estimated               population               of               14,531,605.
               The               land               area               of               the               city               is               3,527               km2               /1,361.78               mi2.
               The               city's               population               density               is               4,115               km2/10,671.04               mi2.

World's               Largest               Cities               -               Population               Size:               Mumbai,               India
               Located               in               the               central               part               of               western               India,               Mumbai               is               the               world's               third               largest               city               with               an               estimated               population               of               13,830,884.
               The               land               area               of               the               city               is               437.71               km2               /169               mi2.
               The               city's               population               density               is               31,598.28               km2/81,839.55               mi2.

World's               Largest               Cities               -               Population               Size:               Delhi,               India
               Situated               in               the               central               part               of               nothern               India,               Delhi               is               the               world's               fourth               largest               city               with               an               estimated               population               of               13,782,976.
               The               land               area               of               the               city               is               1,483               km2               /572.59               mi2.
               The               city's               population               density               is               9,293.98               km2/24,071.28               mi2.

World's               Largest               Cities               -               Population               Size:               Istanbul,               Turkey
               Located               in               northeastern               Turkey,               Istanbul               is               the               world's               fifth               largest               city               with               an               estimated               population               of               12,782,960.
               The               land               area               of               the               city               is               5,343.02               km2               /2,062.95               mi2.
               The               city's               population               density               is               2,392.46               km2/6,196.45               mi2.

World's               Largest               Cities               -               Population               Size:               São               Paulo               ,               Brazil
               Situated               in               southeastern               Brazil,               São               Paulo               is               the               world's               sixth               largest               city               with               an               estimated               population               of               11,037,593.
               The               land               area               of               the               city               is               1,522.99               km2               /588.03               mi2.
               The               city's               population               density               is               7,247.32               km2/18,770.46               mi2.

World's               Largest               Cities               -               Population               Size:               Moscow,               Russia
               Located               in               western               Russia,               Moscow               is               the               world's               seventh               largest               city               with               an               estimated               population               of               10,563,000.
               The               land               area               of               the               city               is               1,081               km2               /417.38               mi2.
               The               city's               population               density               is               9,771.51               km2/25,307.87               mi2.

World's               Largest               Cities               -               Population               Size:               Seoul,               South               Korea
               Situated               in               northwestern               South               Korea,               Seoul               is               the               world's               eighth               largest               city               with               an               estimated               population               of               10,464,051.
               The               land               area               of               the               city               is               605.25               km2               /233.68               mi2.
               The               city's               population               density               is               17,288.81               km2/44,779.40               mi2.

World's               Largest               Cities               -               Population               Size:               Beijing,               China
               Located               in               northeastern               China,               Beijing               is               the               world's               ninth               largest               city               with               an               estimated               population               of               10,123,000.
               The               land               area               of               the               city               is               1,368.32               km2               /528.19               mi2.
               The               city's               population               density               is               7,398.12               km2/19,165.45               mi2.

World's               Largest               Cities               -               Population               Size:               Lagos,               Nigeria
               Situated               in               southwestern               Nigeria,               Lagos               is               the               world's               tenth               largest               city               with               an               estimated               population               of               9,113,605.
               The               land               area               of               the               city               is               996.6               km2/384.8               mi2.
               The               city's               population               density               is               9,144.7               km2/23,684               mi2

World's               Largest               Cities               -               Population               Size:               Mexico               City,               Mexico
               Located               in               the               central               part               of               southern               Mexico,               Mexico               City               is               the               world's               eleventh               largest               city               with               an               estimated               population               of               8,841,916.
               The               land               area               of               the               city               is               1,485               km2               /573.36               mi2.
               The               city's               population               density               is               5,954.15               km2/15,421.23               mi2.

World's               Largest               Cities               -               Population               Size:               Tokyo,               Japan
               Situated               in               the               central               part               of               eastern               Japan,               Tokyo               is               the               world's               twelfth               largest               city               with               an               estimated               population               of               8,802,000.
               The               land               area               of               the               city               is               622               km2               /240.16               mi2.
               The               city's               population               density               is               14,151.13.km2/36,650.57               mi2.

World's               Largest               Cities               -               Population               Size:               Kinshasa,               Democratic               Republic               of               the               Congo               (DR               Congo)
               Located               in               the               central               part               of               western               DR               Congo,               Kinshasa               is               the               world's               thirteenth               largest               city               with               an               estimated               population               of               8,754,000.
               The               land               area               of               the               city               is               2016               km2               /778.38mi2.
               The               city's               population               density               is               4,342.26               km2/11,246.44               mi2.

World's               Largest               Cities               -               Population               Size:               Jakarta,               Indonesia
               Situated               in               northwestern               part               of               Indonesia's               Java               island,               Jakarta               is               the               world's               fourteenth               largest               city               with               an               estimated               population               of               8.523.023.
               The               land               area               of               the               city               is               650.4               km2               /251.12               mi2.
               The               city's               population               density               is               13,104.28.km2/33,940.04               mi2.

World's               Largest               Cities               -               Population               Size:               New               York               City,               United               States
               Located               in               the               northeastern               part               of               the               United               States,               New               York               City               is               the               world's               fifteenth               largest               city               with               an               estimated               population               of               8,308,163.
               The               land               area               of               the               city               is               785.57               km2/303.31               mi2.
               The               city's               population               density               is               10,575.97               km2/27,391.66               mi2.
               "AAMCHI               MUMBAI,"               Mumbai,               India               Home               Page               
               "Authority               Area,"               Istanbul               Metropolitan               Municipality               
               "Bali               and               Indonesia,"                    
               "Beijing               Statistical               Yearbook               2008,"               "Beijing               Municipal               Bureau               of               Statistics               
               "Büyükşehir               belediyeleri               ve               bağlı               belediyelerin               nüfusları               -               2009,"               TÜRKİYE               İSTATİSTİK               KURUMU               
               "Democratic               Republic               of               the               Congo,"               World               Urbanization               Prospects:               The               2009               Revision               Population               Database.

United               Nations.

               "GEOGRAPHY               AND               DEMOGRAPHY,"               CDGK               -               Official               Web               Portal               of               City               District               Government               Karachi               
               "Geography               of               Tokyo,"               Tokyo               Metropolitan               Government               
               "IBGE               releases               population               estimates               of               the               municipalities               in               2009,"               Brazilian               Institute               of               Geography               and               Statistics               
               "Moscow:               events,               facts,               figures               2009/2010,"               THE               MOSCOW               CITY               GOVERNMENT               
               "Nigeria               2006               Census,"               National               Population               Commission               
               "Population               of               Tokyo,"               Tokyo               Metropolitan               Government               
               "Seoul               Statistics               -               Area               and               Number               of               Administrative               Units,"               Seoul               Metropolitan               Government               
               "Seoul               Statistics               -               2009               Population,"               Seoul               Metropolitan               Government               
               "Table               Jumlah               Pendudak               Provinsi               DKI               Jakarta               (2010),"               Suku               Dinas               Kependudukan               dan               Pencatatan               
               "3.5               Land               Area,               Population               and               Density               of               Population               in               Districts               and               Counties               (2008),"               Statistical               Yearbook               (2009),               Shanghai               Statistical               Bureau               
               "New               York               City,               New               York,"               2006-2008               American               Community               Survey               3-Year               Estimates.


Census               Bureau               
               "Zona               Metropolitano               del               Valle               de               Mexico,"               COESPO               con               base               en               INEGI               2000-2005               y               CONAPO               2009

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    Saturday, May 31, 2014

    Review of google webpage translator::Free Best Translation from English to Spanish?

    Review of google webpage translator::Free Best Translation from English to Spanish?

    Style               Islam               is               a               German               fashion               label               that               sells               clothing               and               other               products               to               markets               across               Western               Europe,               the               U.S.,               Canada               and               Turkey.

    However,                    is               more               than               just               an               international               Islamic               clothing               store.

    The               Islamic               store               sends               a               message               of               peace               and               unity               using               fashion.

    Style               Islam               sells               mostly               to               Muslim               immigrants               in               the               17               -               35               age               bracket               and               especially               college               students.

    They               are               currently               working               towards               marketing               in               the               Middle               East.

    I               recommend               browsing                    in               Google               Chrome               because               it               quickly               translates               the               Islamic               store's               webpage               from               German               to               your               dialect.

    Internet               Explorer               does               not               have               such               a               simple               translator.

    I               am               not               sure               about               Firefox               or               Safari.
                   Browse               Style               Islam's               shop               by               category               or               design
                        lists               their               prices               in               Euros.

    If               you               type               "eur"               into               Google,               it               will               give               you               an               approximate               conversion               rate,               which               currently               reveals               1               Euro               =               $1.3343.
                   The               Islamic               store               offers               the               following               clothing               selections:               retro-style               jackets,               hooded               zipper               jackets,               hooded               V-neck               shirts,               hooded               sweatshirts,               long               and               short               sleeve               shirts               of               varying               styles,               retro               tunics               and               long               sleeve               hooded               tunics.
                        offers               a               beautiful               selection               of               artworks               in               the               form               of               murals               and               prayer               rugs.

    Other               products               and               accessories               include:               laptop               street               bags,               messenger               bags,               travel               bags,               city               bags,               buttons,               Islam               style               vouchers,               key               rings,               and               pendants.
                   Some               of               the               graphic               designs               you               will               find               at               Style               Islam               include               the               following               statements:               "Terrorism               Has               No               Religion"               "Jesus               Muhammad               Brothers               in               Faith"               "I               Love               My               Prophet"               "Mecca"               "Hijab               My               Right               My               Choice               My               Life"               and               "Love               Not               Drop               Bombs."               At     ,               each               motif               includes               an               explanation.
                        offers               the               following               free               downloads               for               your               social               media               website:               wallpaper,               avatars               and               twitter               backgrounds.
                   About               Style               Islam
                   ABC               News,               CBS               News,               and               several               others               recently               reported               on     ,               its               creation,               significance               and               vision.

    Melih               Kesmen               and               Yeliz               Kesmen,               both               graphic               designers               with               experience               in               advertising,               found               their               niche               in               the               European               Muslim               market               four               years               ago.
                   The               2006               protests               in               Europe               against               the               Danish               cartoons               of               the               Prophet               Muhammad               prompted               Kesmen,               a               Turk               Muslim               raised               in               Germany,               to               express               himself               through               fashion               "as               a               peace-loving,               tolerant               Muslim"               by               designing               a               sweater               with               the               statement               "I               love               my               Prophet."
                   Style               Islam,               posted               by               The               Associated               Press               on               The               Sault               Star

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